FY25 Cultural Tourism Grant Released

FY25 Cultural Tourism Grant Released

The FY25 Cultural Tourism Grant Program has been released! This popular regional program, funded through bed tax dollars and implemented through Montana’s Yellowstone Country, grants funding to local non-profits hosting events that seek to highlight the lifestyle, arts and cultural assets of their community. Other considerations include:

Grant money can be used for media placement and event support, such as location signage and equipment rentals. Funding requests should be a minimum of $1,000 and, at most, $10,000. This is a reimbursement grant, meaning funds will be paid once proper documentation is provided following the event. Yellowstone Country cannot pay more than 50% of any line item or of the project as a whole, and the non-profit entity applying must demonstrate they have match funding.

This year’s grant fund totals $50,000, and grants are awarded on a rolling, first come, first served basis until the grant funds have been dispersed. No late applications will be accepted, so spread the word to event coordinators in your area.

You can find the full application here.

We’ve seen some significant events arise from this program, and we can’t wait to see what’s next!

FY25 Cultural Tourism Grant Released

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