Resiliency Projects Begin

Resiliency Projects Begin

Montana’s Yellowstone Country was awarded a $250,000 grant to implement initiatives identified in the YC Strategic Resiliency Plan, 2023. A portion of the funds will be used to create a Mountain Resident Handbook, Living in Montana’s Yellowstone Country, a publication to help new residents understand the ins and outs of living in a mountain town. Content will cover topics ranging from landscaping for wildfire protection and living with wildlife to education about water sources.

Adding similar resiliency content to our travel planner will also be covered by the grant funding. This content will focus on the same principles but will be geared toward the visitor instead of the resident. Grant funding also allows us to expand the distribution of the travel guide while freeing up funding from our current bed-tax budget to implement additional marketing and outreach initiatives.

Resiliency Projects Begin

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